This guest article is by our commenter “It’s NOT okay to be anti-White”
In this era of White Genocide, the internet is exploding with high-quality articles, video channels and podcasts. In the present article I’ll share many of those that I come across in the months ahead when they have some bearing on White Genocide.
Today’s first gem is a substack article I found on Revolver News.
(Revolver is a news aggregator that also posts its own excellent news analyses. Its own news analyses are the articles that, when you look at the list of articles on the site’s home page, have a tiny faint square at the upper right of their headlines that show the article’s current number of comments.)
The important thing in present-day America is to be nice, or to act like you are. Mostly, neo-niceness means favoring politically correct groups of people, hating the politically incorrect, studiously using PC buzzwords, hewing to PC narratives, up-talking to connote deference to others and uncertainty about even the plainest facts, and giving pedestrians the right of way while driving a Prius. Such symbolic steps require no serious effort but allow the neo-nice to feel good about themselves.
Because we lacked a cement mixer, we mixed the concrete on top of old plywood, using shovels. On the first day we did this, Dave began the process by declaring, “You’ve got to have some hate in you to mix concrete by hand.”
…workplaces were made safer and hard work was increasingly done by machines and/or outsourced abroad…many Americans lost their mental toughness…many Twenty-First Century Americans have become emotionally soft, psychologically frail and cognitively challenged.
I respect the people whose lives require toughness today, such as the few public figures who openly oppose White Genocide.
How crazy is it that you can lose your income and even your ability to have bank accounts for openly opposing a genocide?
The anti-White regime that rules us has done everything it can to reduce our toughness, so that we’ll submit to White Genocide.
Mark Oshinskie, the author of that article and the one below, makes the reader feel very present in the author’s experiences that illustrate the author’s points:
On the way back to my office, I could hear the secretaries still talking animatedly about The Pumpkin. As I passed Sherita, a young, new paralegal, she exclaimed, with a big smile, and to no one in particular, “This is a FUN place to work!”
Exchanging greetings and smiles in the hall had great, albeit understated, psychological worth.
Some of these people became close friends.
And when you work near people, you organically discuss work experiences and ideas. This enables you to do your job better, or more efficiently.
Closing workplaces has been/is a devastating, society-wide blow to social cohesion and human happiness. Devious social engineers could not have devised a more destructive path to social division and human alienation than isolating as many workers as possible in front of computer screens in their homes.
Social destruction was a central Scamdemic objective. This surely has not been about public health.
This author’s engaging articles are an easy way to let some understandings sink in more deeply. I’m looking forward to reading more!
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