On July 13, 2015, pro-whites exercised their free speech rights near Harrison, Arkansas by erecting a billboard that reads “’DIVERSITY’ IS A CODE WORD FOR #WHITEGENOCIDE.”
Four days later, popular media has offered its initial response in an article posted on Rawstory.com titled: “Fringe White House candidate whines: Opponents of racist billboards are ‘just like Adolf.’” Related tweet. Rawstory.com has an Alexa rating of 534 in the US.
Strangely missing from the article is an image of the billboard in question. The image is easily available on the internet. Also missing from the Rawstory article is the website named on the billboard, fightwhitegenocide.com
Here is the photo the author, Los Angeles based freelance writer Bethania Palma Markus, was too lazy or incompetent to acquire:
Ms. Markus made no attempt to analyze or refute the claim made on the billboard. She just used standard anti-white name-calling and demonization: “racist” “supremacist”.
In the Rawstory article, Ms. Markus also talks about The Mantra, a set of talking points developed by Robert Whitaker to fight white genocide. She claims The Mantra “argues non-whites should return to the lands of their ancestors to protect whites.” The Mantra makes no such argument. Mr. Whitaker has stated in a recent CNN interview: “we’re not going to talk about any specifics until they stop acting like a mob… I’m not even trying to offer a solution. What I’m saying is: we want to discuss it [white genocide].”
Ms. Markus made no attempt to contact Mr. Whitaker or anyone associated with the billboard. The proprietor of fightwhitegenocide.com had previously emailed Rawstory about the billboard.
As lame as the RawStory article is, it does illustrate the effectiveness of the right talking points. Our enemies cannot attack or even talk about our message without spreading it. Earlier in the article Ms. Markus wrote:
“Whitaker runs a website on which he often rambles in all-caps about the imagined idea that “diversity” means a genocide of white people is afoot. In a recent post, he laid out an “equation:” “Diversity = White Genocide to add = Self-Hatred = SICK!!”
The last time pro-whites attempted exercising their free speech rights by erecting a billboard, it was taken down due to legal threats.