- Affirmative action says, in plain English: you can discriminate in favor of Black people, but not against Whites.
It is impossible to discriminate FOR someone without discriminating AGAINST someone. But this self-contradictory policy is written into US law as a “solution to the racial problem.” - Anti-Whites are getting desperate. They are repeating all the old cliches, not one of which we haven’t heard a thousand times, and accusing us of repeating ourselves.
But look at the BASIC here. Behind all the repetition is the simple fact that their silly little non-racial world is not RELEVANT any more and everybody, including them, knows this. - “I don’t believe there is any master race.”
You anti-whites certainly believe in a master race when it comes to BLAME:
“The WHITES did it.”
Good old Orwellian Doublethink! Whites are responsible for everything but Whites aren’t special. - Someone who says the White race is responsible for everything is saying that the White race is SUPERIOR.
- Anti-Whites say Whites are responsible for EVERYTHING. Non-Whites are responsible for NOTHING, like animals.
They are more White supremacist than I am. - In our Politically Correct society, a forensic pathologist must do two things:
1) Be able to identify the race of a corpse from a few skinless remains and
2) Say that race doesn’t exist.
Good old Orwellian Doublethink! - Pro-Whites accuse anti-Whites of pushing White Genocide because anti-Whites want to end the White race. Anti-Whites reply:
1) They should end the White race because the White race is evil.
2) They don’t want to end the White race.
3) There is no such thing as the White race. - Anti-Whites say:
1) We should quit because everybody is against us.
2) What we say could lead to a Nazi Regime.
That is, we have no support and we might take power.
Why do we argue with these clowns as if they were serious when we just need to quote THEM to show what nitwits they are? - If someone says White people deserve to be overrun and miscegenated out of existence, one must nail them down on what they just said. They cannot argue that genocide against Whites is not taking place AND that we deserve it as REVENGE.
- Hitler and today’s Jewish opinion are in absolute agreement.
Jews say that anyone who wants to preserve the White race is anaziwhwantstokillsixmillionjews. They insist that if the White race survives, it is the end of the Jews.
In order for Jews to survive, they say, the White race must be “assimilated” out of existence.
In plain English, today’s Politically Correct doctrine is “Jews and Aryans cannot BOTH survive.”
Which is EXACTLY what HITLER is accused of saying.
- Three things anti-Whites do.
First, laugh at their own jokes.
Second, correct spelling.
Third, pretend to be helpless and say they want to know where facts come from. - When someone asks what a “White” country is, you tell them it is one of the countries they insist has an obligation to import huge numbers of third world immigrants. THEY define it all the time. Don’t get tied up defining something for them that THEY have defined.
- If you want to know whether a people is White, simply look at whether immigration to those countries is being talked about. It is ridiculous for us to get into definition of something that has already been defined so far down into your parietal lobe that you don’t even notice it.
- The “DUHH!” approach.
So you’ve never heard anybody talk about a race problem. You’ve never heard the White race condemned.
You’ve never heard anybody insist on open borders.
You’ve never heard anybody say the Final Solution to race is “mixing THE races,” when they mean only mixing races in predominantly White countries.
I am not even sure this comes up to the level of a good solid lie. It is certainly not a reply, and it is less than childish.
Mommy Professor will let you get away with this crap, but you’re not with Mommy Professor here. - To White anti-Whites, hating White people is a form of virtuous self-sacrifice.
- Anti-Whites are PROUD to be anti-White.
You are part of a program to end the existence, SPECIFICALLY, of the White race. That is its PRACTICAL, REAL result. To say that is not anti-White is like saying that those who supported slavery were just objectively pro-property. - When someone uses this “DUHH!” tactic, NEVER get into the drooling pit with them.
I have never heard a single person actually take “That depends on what you mean by the word ‘is’” seriously. People just laughed and went on.
And that is the only way to deal with the “DUHH!” tactic.
Everybody went through the stage when they were young when they thought that instant amnesia was smart. - The real curse of mankind is dumb people who think they are smart, hopeless provincials who think they are being sophisticated when they follow a cut-out pattern that Harvard or New York tells them will make them sophisticated, professors who INCURABLY think their bigotry is the only true tolerance.
And the moral cowards who truly believe they are Courage Incarnate. - The fatal error is not being silly. It is believing that your silliness is the opposite of silliness:
1) Nobody is more destructively dumb than the dumb man who thinks he is smart;
2) No one is more disastrous than the professor who thinks that HIS bigotry is the opposite of real bigotry;
3) And so forth. - Genocide is not defined by violence, much less military invasion. If you will read the Genocide Treaty, you will find that genocide is any action that is aimed at ending a race or ethnic group. Most of the methods listed do NOT involve killing anybody.
- You Political Correctness fanatics are playing a very old game.
When you call people names who disagree with you or scream Hate or racism, a.k.a., HERESY! it says nothing about the point we heretics make.
But it tells us ALL about YOU. - When someone says you must not believe that White gentiles have a right to survive as a group because believing that makes you a Nazi and offends people, he is also saying that you must believe it whether it is true or not.
He is saying you should lie about it. - Every society has its own word for HERESY! You denounce all heresy to Political Correctness as Racism.
This is supposed to allow you to refuse to answer me. This is supposed to give you the right to suppress my opinions. But in a free society you can’t hide behind labels. - The other side only has two defenses,
1) To ignore Bob’s Mantra: and
2) To scream HERESY! at us.
Cut them off at the pass. - When anti-Whites call us “ignorant” what are they ACTUALLY saying?
“My Politically Correct Mommy Professor and the media’s carefully selected “respectable” conservatives tell me everything I will ever know. I refuse to learn from anybody else. Everybody outside of Mommy Professor and respectable conservatives is just plain IGNORANT.”
- Whites have committed no evils other races would not have done had they had the power.
ONLY White people ever felt ashamed of slavery or abolished it. - Whites have committed no UNIQUE evils. We have done many, many unique GOOD things. The device you are using now is one of them.
- There is no such thing as a native people. Every piece of ground where everybody lives was taken from somebody else.
- When they ask us Whites “Why are you concerned about your people disappearing?”, our response is to try to JUSTIFY our concern about our group’s survival.
This QUESTION, for any other people, would bring a person under suspicion of genocide.
Call them on it. - White self hatred is SICK!!!
- Why should a bird spend most of its one precious lifetime assuring that birds who look like him or her populate the earth long after he or she has ceased to exist? This is how every sociopath reasons. But in my day, this was not the basis of being a sociopath. This was and is the basis of being a CHRISTIAN or a conservative or a libertarian or anything else.
This is MORALITY!? - Dante reserved the coldest and worse part of Hell for the outright traitors. He reserved the hottest part of Hell for those who, in a time of crisis, preserved their neutrality.
Hell or not, that is traditional decency.
Every sociopath has an excuse for staying out of the action.
- You have seen what the Mantra can do. They know very well that if Whites look at the situation rationally, as any other race would be expected to do, the anti-Whites are lost.
- “What’s the secret to defeating the enemy?”
This is personal.
This is MY country.
This is MY race.
You HAVE a country. What right have you to mine?
This is genocide. How DARE you be a part of the genocide against MY race?
Anyone like me who does not defend MY race is a traitor.
Nothing you say should EVER reflect any other attitude. - If an anti-White says he is loyal to principals, he is saying exactly what the Inquisition said.
I can then go into the whole concept of wordism. If they are loyal to some words, do they have any idea what monstrosities have been justified in a loyalty to words?
They can try to talk about why THE White race should survive. You ask them if they would ask a Black man the same question.
They say blacks have a history of persecution. You ask if the black position is therefore inferior to their ideals.
You admit that you are not God. You are loyal to your own people just like everybody else is. - There are TWO rules about lies and liars:
1) Don’t use the words routinely and
2) Once you use it on somebody, NEVER let them forget it.
If you violate rule 2, then YOU are the liar. - If you’d like to say “You’re damned right I’m a racist!” remember the person calling you racist is mindless. So for you to confess to a mindless accusation makes you mindless too.
- It is true that false statements hurt one’s credibility
But we also have very little space, and we have to make our points at the sacrifice of credibility
But I have a weapon. Anyone who critiques me for points not central to my argument dreads the title “nit-picker.” It destroys THEIR credibility. It makes THEM look desperate. - We are NOT trying to get into a battle of who is the Most Informed. The ONLY question is how silly THEY are.
The point is that they are loonies. They are silly. They are wrong. The second you become like a “respectable conservative” and treat them as if they were saying something serious, you’ve LOST.
I don’t play to lose.
- Anyone who, ACTIVELY OR PASSIVELY, subscribes to immigration and especially assimilation is joining the battle to destroy our race, and it makes no difference whether their motivation comes from the Pope, Karl Marx, or Ayn Rand.
- White majority countries constitute what is called “the race problem.” Solving the race problem is code for solving the WHITE problem. As one New Left leader put it in a burst of honesty: “The White race is the cancer of history.” For once, the Love Generation spoke plain English.
- The Communist Party gained power in Europe largely because the Establishment there gave the working class no other choice.
If all I have to choose between are those who demand the extermination of my race and the Klan and the Nazis, I’ll choose the latter. - On campus, violence ALWAYS comes from YOUR side when any pro-White speaks. That is a standard tactic.
Of course you blame us for what Hitler did THEN, but you refuse to take any responsibility for what your side does NOW. - When the collapse of Batista came, Cuba went from fascist to Communist, ALL THE WAY. Russia went from Communist to fascist. If things are the way I see them, the safe, moderate position today will put you in enormous danger in the future.
You may have to EXPLAIN your “anti-racism”.
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