You can tell Trump that too, by adding initials to this pro-white* message we’ve posted on the White House’s website (click on its title to initial it): — [Initials can no longer be added to this — admin]
Defund refugee resettlement agencies
A large government-funded industry has been created that profits from settling third-world refugees in countries that are predominantly white.
Like other modes of immigration, this resettlement industry’s policy appears to be “Asia for the Asians, Africa for the Africans, white countries for EVERYBODY.”
The industry often settles its third-world clients in the whitest parts of majority-white countries.
We urge our Federal Government to stop funding these agencies that seek out almost completely white areas for settlement of peoples who are utterly alien to the inhabitants, forcing those areas (who usually have no choice in the matter) to welcome “diversity.”
These agencies exhibit blatantly the fact that “diversity” just means chasing down the last white person.
You can add initials fairly anonymously, since the name boxes require only initials.
An excellent source for reports on the refugee resettlement industry is Ann Corcoran’s Refugee Resettlement Watch.
Be a Stop White Genocide “Repeater Rifle”!
*Pro-whites oppose White Genocide. Anti-whites support White Genocide.
Want to get everyone’s thoughts on this: I am strongly against refugee resettlement services. I wanted to know if they resettle in a white area isn’t it only a concern if they intermarry?
I think there would be other concerns also, since whites need what all races need, homelands they can feel at home in.
But yes, the chief concern would be whites being blended out of existence or reduced to small minorities by the high rate of intermarriage that will result from mass third-world immigration and forced assimilation — White Genocide.
White people need to wake up. This is happening.
“An excellent source for reports on the refugee resettlement industry is Ann Corcoran’s Refugee Resettlement Watch.”
Her article today:
Don’t say I didn’t warn you! The Left is advancing climate refugees as the next big crisis
February, 2018 one-page summary from DHS:
We Must Secure The Border And Build The Wall To Make America Safe Again – Department of Homeland Security