White Genocide is the flooding of EVERY white country and ONLY white countries with the third world, and then using law and propaganda to force the integration/assimilation of whites with the newcomers, resulting finally in blending whites out of existence or reducing them to small minorities.
Starting at the age of 1, “ghetto children” [children from any low-income immigrant neighborhood that is described by Denmark’s government as a “ghetto”] must be separated from their families for at least 25 hours a week, not including nap time, for mandatory instruction in “Danish values,” including the traditions of Christmas and Easter, and Danish language. Noncompliance could result in a stoppage of welfare payments.
Denmark’s government is introducing a new set of laws to regulate life in 25 low-income and heavily Muslim enclaves, saying that if families there do not willingly merge into the country’s mainstream, they should be compelled.
Another would impose a four-year prison sentence on immigrant parents who force their children to make extended visits to their country of origin — described here as “re-education trips” —in that way damaging their “schooling, language and well-being.”
Denmark’s government wants White Genocide in Denmark to proceed peacefully, and either hopes or doesn’t care that assimilating a large number of non-whites with native Danes will result in enough intermarriage to eventually blend the Danes out of existence or reduce them to a small minority.
Danish municipalities know of at least 130 cases in which immigrant children have suffered negatively after being sent home for re-education because their parents are afraid that they are becoming too Danish.
More action needed to prevent ‘re-education’ trips abroad, says minister
Those immigrant parents have more sense than a few of our Danish brothers and sisters. The anti-white New York Times will of course pick the quotes that help spread that paper’s anti-whitism, but I doubt that this Danish couple quoted in the NYT article above are alone in desiring assimilation:
The new hard-edge push to force Muslims to integrate struck both of them as positive. “The young people will see what it is to be Danish and they will not be like their parents,” Jesper said.
“The grandmothers will die sometime,” Anette said. “They are the ones resisting change.”
No, no, Jesper and Anette! People are not just cultural artifacts! Both of you are white, and both of you are Danes! The Danish culture that you identify with so strongly will not survive the quiet White Genocide of yourselves and the people who look like you, think like you, and feel like you! Probably the NY Times understands that, but isn’t quite willing to share:
For decades, integrating immigrants has posed a thorny challenge to the Danish model, intended to serve a small, homogeneous population.
Anti-whites don’t care. Their goal is White Genocide by massive third world immigration and forced assimilation. From the same NY Times article:
Nearly 87 percent of Denmark’s 5.7 million people are of Danish descent, with immigrants and their descendants accounting for the rest. Two-thirds of the immigrants, around half a million, are from Muslim backgrounds, a group that swelled with the waves of Afghan, Iraqi and Syrian refugees crossing Europe.
That’s a snapshot of White Genocide in its relative youth. By what year do you think the majority of Denmark’s people will be of mixed race? By what year do you think ALL of Denmark’s people will be of mixed race?
Many Danes oppose these assimilation measures, but usually not out of concern to preserve Denmark and its traditional people from White Genocide. Their concern is only for the immigrants!
C’mon, Danes! We want you and your country to survive! We urge all white countries to fight the White Genocide that’s being carried out by mass third-world immigration and forced assimilation in white countries world wide!
No school, no town, no country is allowed to be White.
“We have found some White people, chase ‘em down, bring in minorities.”
“Diversity” means chasing down the last White person.
Click on the billboard to view a TV News clip about it.
Be a Stop White Genocide “Repeater Rifle”!
“Starting at the age of 1, ‘ghetto children’ [children from any low-income immigrant neighborhood that is described by Denmark’s government as a “ghetto”] must be separated from their families for at least 25 hours a week, not including nap time, for mandatory instruction in ‘Danish values,‘”
Solutions that crazy (that’s not a solution, that’s just madness) are produced only by people who know at some level that they’ve made a terrible mistake.