“The Anti-White Party,” “The Pro-#WhiteGenocide Party,” “The Party that supports ‘Chasing Down Whites with Diversity,'” and “The Party that denies that ‘White Self-Hatred is SICK!!!‘”
That’s the Democratic Party of the recent past, present, and future. Of course that’s also the recent past, present and we hope not the future of the Republican Party.
Bill Press: There was a primary…up in New York where the 4th most powerful Democrat in the United States, Congressman Joe Crowley was knocked out by a young woman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez – 28 years old – never ran for office before – big progressive – calls herself a Democratic socialist, actually like Bernie Sanders did – she was a Bernie Sanders supporter… What’s this tell you about where the Democratic Party is going today?
Tom Perez: Well, my daughters – I have 3 kids, two of whom are daughters, one just graduated college, one is in college, and they were both texting me about their excitement over Alexandria because, you know, she really represents the future of our party. She ran a spirited campaign.
DNC Chair Tom Perez Declares Socialist Ocasio-Cortez “The Future Of Our Party”
From a campaign flier distributed by Ocasio-Cortez’s headquarters:
Immigration justice: protect DREAMers & TPS [Temporary Protected Status] recipients, simplify the path to citizenship and abolish ICE
What Ocasio-Cortez wants for America after beating Joe Crowley
“Simplify the path to citizenship and abolish ICE.”
Translation: “Remove any and all impediments to the rapid completion of White Genocide.”
Of course White Genocide is a much larger problem than just illegal aliens. Illegal or legal, non-whites will blend whites out of existence if enough of them flood, or have already flooded white countries, and integration/assimilation with them continues to be forced by law and by propaganda.
No school, no town, no country is allowed to be White.
“We have found some White people, chase ’em down, bring in minorities…”
“Diversity” means chasing down the last White person.
Be a Stop White Genocide “Repeater Rifle”!
“…simplify the path to citizenship…”
Would that be, “If you voted for Ocasio-Cortez, we’ll make you a citizen”?
Good one! Her district likely contains a very large number of illegals.
Your posting name might apply more aptly to what The Intercept thinks happened, which is that a large number of “gentrifying” whites were activated to vote for her by her vigorous and “insurgent” campaigning.
Voters of all races are extremely disillusioned with the same-old-same-old, and are ready to go for candidates who make a convincing departure from that. Thus Trump and thus Ocasio-Cortez.
Here’s an item from The Intercept article:
On Tuesday, she and her son decided to vote for Ocasio-Cortez. “I said, ‘Ma, let’s go vote, let’s shake things up,’” her son told The Intercept.
If people just want to shake things up and skin color doesn’t matter, we would be seeing long-serving non-white politicians in majority non-white districts replaced by white politicians, too. Is that happening?
Color matters, much more to non-whites than to whites of course. But there are other factors, such as the desire to have politics be a little more exciting, a little more entertaining to pay some attention to after a hard day’s work. Even white ethnomasochists tire of being flagellated in the same old ho hum way.
Ocacio-Cortez’s campaign flier referred to in the article:
What Ocasio-Cortez wants for America after beating Joe Crowley
In a world where White Genocide wasn’t being carried out, I could get behind a couple of those, but they’re all made moot by the 6th item, “immigration justice.” That’s just another preposterous anti-white code word for White Genocide, which is carried out by flooding EVERY white country and ONLY white countries with third world non-whites, and compelling whites through law and propaganda to integrate/assimilate with the non-whites until whites are blended out of existence or reduced to tiny minorities.
“Immigration Justice: protect DREAMers & TPS recipients, simplify the path to citizenship and abolish ICE”
The mentor of anti-whites on the left isn’t Saul Alinsky, it’s George Orwell. Lying doesn’t get more bald-faced than using the term “immigration justice” to mean “protect illegal aliens.”
Well said. As used by the anti-whites of the left, both words in the term “immigration justice” are lies.
I doubt that anti-whites of the right use that term, since their language is designed to cloak their support of White Genocide rather than to proclaim it.
The problem of illegal aliens is both a pointer towards, but a diversion from, the deeper problem of legal non-white aliens, as mentioned at the end of the article. Anti-whites of the right love to agree with the left in pretending that legal immigration is fine and should make no racial distinctions. They would rather see White Genocide completed with whites blended out of existence by massive third-world immigration and forced assimilation than be called “racists.”
(Personally, I do make exception for some extraordinary figures of the right who IMO do more to aid our goal by “behaving well” enough to maintain their present positions than they’d do by speaking more plainly and losing their positions. I’m thinking of Tucker Carlson.)
Ocasio-Cortez on Democracy Now a few days ago:
At 17:35:
“The moral character of the United States is at stake…we need to occupy every airport, we need to occupy every border, we need to occupy every ICE office until those kids are back with their parents, period.”
She goes on to say that that should always be the response, whenever there’s an opportunity to play on white compassion to keep White Genocide proceeding smoothly.
At the beginning of that program, she describes her basic outlook:
“The way that progressives win on an unapologetic message is by expanding the electorate, speaking to those that feel disenchanted, dejected, cynical about our politics and letting them know we’re fighting for them.
“To me what it means [to be a Democratic Socialist] is that in a modern, moral and wealthy society, no person should be too poor to live. That is what I believe. To me there is no other structure, party, movement that is asserting the basic level of economic and social dignity that should exist in the United States.”
Interesting political observation by Chris Cilliza on CNN:
Her victory took what was a fringe issue among liberals – abolishing ICE – and thrust it into the mainstream. Suddenly New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren were calling for the end of ICE. California Sen. Kamala Harris was insisting the entire organization needed to be overhauled. Ditto Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. Lost in that sprint to the ideological left was the fact that Democrats were taking a political winner (the Trump administration’s family separation policy) and turning it into a political loser (getting rid of an agency primarily charged with law enforcement, not policy making).
“The Anti-White Party,” “The Pro-#WhiteGenocide Party,” “The Party that supports ‘Chasing Down Whites with Diversity,’” and “The Party that denies that ‘White Self-Hatred is SICK!!!‘”
“That’s the Democratic Party of the recent past, present, and future. Of course that’s also the recent past, present and we hope not the future of the Republican Party.”
The Democratic Party, increasingly composed of non-whites and anti-white whites, seems destined to become ever more anti-white and ever more supportive of White Genocide.
Will the Democratic Party become simply The Anti-White Party, and the Republican Party become simply The Pro-White Party?
Since pro-whites oppose White Genocide and anti-whites support White Genocide, the Republican Party has a very long way to go before it can be said to be pro-white. It has only expressed opposition to immigration that is illegal, not to sizable immigration of any sort that is non-white, which is the issue. And of course the other part of White Genocide, the forced integration/assimilation of whites with the non-whites that have been flooded into their countries is not even yet on the radar of public consideration and discussion by either party.
shes the chick you walk up to at the 8th grade dance and then the light hits her and you keep ona walkin