- In my experience, every person who used the word “liar” freely was himself a liar. I observed this phenomenon year after year, time after time.
- “Hate” is a big word to a decent person. Anyone who uses it routinely is motivated by hate.
- Anti-Whites talk about White people EXACTLY like Hitler talked about Jews.
- It might be very good for us to ask anti-Whites; What IS the difference between what they say about Whites and what Hitler said about Jews?
- To say that people with white skin can’t be victims is as racist a statement as anything Hitler ever said.
- Hitler talked about the Jewish Problem. Today’s respectable conservatives and liberals talk about the White Problem, which they call the Race Problem, in exactly the same way.
- Would CNN ask Jews or Blacks or Chinese “Why are you concerned about your race?” -?
- Satan had to pretend to be God to be worshiped. Just like anti-Whites pretend to be anti-racist to be supported. They speak with a forked tongue, putting nice words to evil deeds. They sound nice but always want evil.
- When they say, “We should love all mankind,” we hit them with the FACT that they are using decency as a weapon of genocide. That is like using the name of God to sponsor war, it is exactly like blasphemy.
- “You are saying that this whole program of immigration and assimilation and chasing down every White on earth who wants to live in a White community is just for True Love?”
- Right now you MUST tell anti-Whites who say there is no such thing as White that they pick the countries that must allow immigration and assimilation by that exact criterion.
- Anti-Whites openly brag about the brown future they demand for ALL and ONLY White countries. Then say #WhiteGenocide is a conspiracy theory.
- If you say anything against World War II, you are Evil because so many Americans died in it. Lots of Americans died in Korea and Vietnam, but you can praise the Peoples’ Peace-Loving Democratic Republics all you want to.
- Those who fight the Mantra lean heavily on their own provinciality. They say they are only advocating open borders and assimilation in the countries where they live, so it is not an attack on the White race.
- The anti-white immediately says he is only talking about his own country. So he has no idea of the fate of ALL white countries. No one points out that he is hiding behind provinciality.
White Guilt
- Nothing in the Old Testament is more clear than Jehovah ordering His Chosenites to commit genocide to gain their land, yet no one questions their right to that land.
- No one is allowed to condemn Jews for “stealing” land and committing genocide while doing so as clearly ordered by Jehovah.
- No one is allowed to question Jews’ right to land they stole and committed genocide while stealing as explicitly ordered by Jehovah.
- The United States’ whole foreign policy revolves around keeping large contingents of American troops around Israel’s borders to protect it for the sake of the descendants of those who committed genocide for that land.
- No one says “Jews stole land and committed genocide (as stated in the Old Testament), so Israel needs to open it’s borders and become multicultural”.
- The US questions its own right to exist on “stolen” land, but no one is allowed to question Israel’s right to exist on land it stole.
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